Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tyrannosaurus FEX!

With the Nid codex, half the important stuff doesn't have a model. As such, I am forced to be creative (darn)! I have kit bashed a bunch of carnifex kits to build my two tervigons, but it is my tyrannofex that i am most impressed with. I wanted to give him a unique feel. He is supposed to be a massive armored beast with a big shooty gun, but the codex pictures appear to endow him with a very large and in charge gun in the form of a giant phallus. I opted against this protruding penis gun and decided to beef up his arms. The end result looks a little something like this:

His gun attaches to his middle set of arms and rests just below his belly. i decided to magnetize the gun so i can swap it out for the rupture cannon at a different time.
The little grey spot on his chest and the grey spot on the gun are the magnets. I like this picture because he looks like he wants his belly rubbed. I'm hoping to finish painting him soon.

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